Distracted Driving Accidents Caused By Texting Drivers
Award-Winning Denver Personal Injury Lawyers
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According to the National Safety Council (NSC), 1.2 million crashes occur every year because of cell phone use while driving. Specifically, at least 100,000 more collisions per year are caused by drivers who text while behind the wheel. These statistics combine to form a frightening number that should concern every driver. Although texting and driving has been made illegal in many states, including Colorado, it is still common. Teenagers are especially likely to text while driving and, because they are still inexperienced, it makes their risk of texting-related accidents even higher. According to a study by the American Automobile Association (AAA), the risk of getting into a car crash increases by 23 times when texting. Surprisingly, these statistics still don’t deter some people.
Texting that causes a car accident is considered negligent driving by the distracted driver. This means that when people are involved in a car crash because of a texting driver, they are entitled to a personal injury claim if they suffered any damage. Taking your eyes of the road for any reason is dangerous and negligent. Traffic can change in an instant, and if a driver is not paying attention, then it is possible for them to cause a car crash. Texting and driving accidents not only cause damage to cars, but also can cause serious injury and death to the people involved. According to one study, between the years of 2002 and 2007, more than 16,000 deaths were caused by texting and driving accidents. Many people know the dangers of texting while driving but choose to do so anyway. These people should be held accountable for their actions if it causes an accident or injury.
Texting and Driving Deaths
Did you know that in 2010 alone, there were 3,000 people killed because someone was texting while driving? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has launched numerous campaigns in order to raise awareness about this epidemic on America’s roadways. These crashes are completely preventable. Many people who walk away from these accidents live in regret over the text message that could have waited. Not only is the act of texting and driving dangerous and something that could warrant a moving violation, but it also means the negligent driver may be liable in legal actions filed against them by the victims. Texting isn’t the only way that a driver can become distracted. The truth is that anything that takes your eyes, hands, or even your mind off of the road can qualify as distracted driving. This can include eating, changing the radio, and even talking to other passengers in the car.
How Fisher & Associates Can Help With Texting Driver Cases
If you have been involved in a car accident that was caused by a driver who was texting while driving, you could be entitled to compensation. Fisher & Associates P.C. is here to help you obtain the justice you deserve after you are injured in a car accident. If you were involved in a car crash, you may be dealing with insurance complications, medical bills, and even lost wages because of time you had to take off of work. Should you become our client, a lawyer from our firm will work on your behalf to get you fair compensation. If you have been involved in an accident and feel like you don’t know where to turn, speak with a lawyer from our firm who can help navigate you through the legal process with ease.
What We Do For You
- We protect your rights
- We tell your story to maximize the value of your case
- We deal with insurance companies so you don’t have to
- We investigate your accident leaving no stone unturned
- We help you find quality medical care for your injuries
- We help you recover your lost or damaged property
- We fight every step of the way to get you the most compensation for your case

Denver, CO
7800 East Dorado Place Suite #270 | Englewood, CO 80111