In the era when it is hardly possible to keep smartphones away, texting while driving accidents have become common ones. Injury Attorneys come across numbers of cases when victims are threatened with life-altering injuries and some irreversible damages. “Texting” is having a noteworthy contribution in distracted driving cases. Most drivers in the US are involved with distractions while cellphones being one of them, NSC (National Security Council) states that Thousands have Died in Crashes Involving Cell Phone Use. Though teenagers believe that doing so is dangerous, they still do it. Most texting while driving accidents cause significant damage to individual and property and hence cannot be considered as minor incidents. However, it is advisable for the plaintiffs to act smartly and don’t give any kind of statement before consulting Personal Injury Lawyers.

Personal Injury Cases: Why giving a statement can hurt? FAQs to Denver Car Accident Attorneys Following are some of the FAQs asked to our Car Accident Attorneys related to such accidents:

  • Is it possible to prove that the opponent was texting while driving?
  • What evidences will be required?
  • Which steps should be undertaken if I am hit by the opponent who was texting and driving?
  • What are the liabilities of the opponent after this accident?
  • How much compensation will be received?

5 Ways Texting while Driving can be proved

1. Cell Phone Records

The very first thing to be utilized as evidence is the cell phone records. A victim can petition to have the cell phone records in order to prove that the opponent was texting while driving specifically when the accident occurred. Also, no individual can have access to anyone’s cell phone records. Hence, one needs the help of an experienced Car Accident Lawyer who knows how to get those records quickly.

2. Witnesses

It is always advisable to collect witness information as it is one of the ways to prove the fault of the opponent. Witnesses could be anyone including other drivers on road or pedestrians and should provide a statement to the police.

3. Officer’s Testimony

Having a police report stating that the other driver is at fault and was negligent at the time of the accident is really very helpful for victims. For this, it is important that police reports are completed immediately after the accident. As they include every detail relevant to the incident, they are extremely useful to prove negligence.

4. Security Feed/Video Footage

Video footage is strong evidence and so one can have the video footage from a police dash camera depending on the location of the car accident. If you don’t know how to get the footage, distracted accident attorneys can get the evidence to prove the negligence.

5. Accident Reconstruction

Accident reconstruction experts can reconstruct the entire incident tactfully and can prove that the defendant was not paying attention to driving. A proper reconstruction needs to be done and this is something which can be attempted for any type of accident.

Seek Expert Guidance of award-winning Denver Personal Injury Attorneys

Consulting experienced Personal Injury Attorneys makes an important difference to the representation of any personal injury case. There are several ways to prove that texting while driving caused the accident. Before opting to prove the faults, victims should immediately call 911 and seek medical attention in case of any kind of road accident. If you or any of your loved one is seeking experienced guidance, then feel free to reach us as soon as possible so the process may begin.